Investigating the seasonality of subarctic lakes in changing climate using satellite & field data

Objectives: This project aims to develop a novel method combining remote sensing, and field data to enhance our understanding of how changing ice cover conditions may influence the aquatic ecosystems in the North Slave region.

  • Characterize seasonality of physical, biological and chemical lake properties
  • Relate remote sensed data to field-based observations in order to evaluate seasonal changes and variability in lakes in the North Slave region near Yellowknife.
  • Examine the relationships accomplished above on other lakes in the region with lack of field-based observations to test the applicability of the relationships across a broader range of lakes.

Project PI(s):

  • Homa Kheyrollah Pour (PI)
  • Micheal English (Co-PI, Wilfrid Laurier University)
  • Mike Palmer (Co-PI, Aurora College, NWT)

Project PI(s):

  • Andrew Applejohn (GNWT Environment and Natural Resources)
  • Bruce Hanna (GNWT Environment and Natural Resources)
  • Cat Fauvelle (Conservation Planner, North Slave Métis Alliance)
  • Ryan Fequet (Wek’eezhii Land and Water Board)

Funding: Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program (CIMP)

Period: 2020/09 to 2023/04